PAYOUT – R100 for each loan issued

CATEGORIES – Finance & Loans

CURRENCY – South Africa Rand (R) 



The following credit-risk criteria are to be adhered to:
  • The consumer’s net monthly income is not less than R7500.00 per month
  • The consumer does not have credit bureau impairment i.e. not under Debt Counselling and/or Administration and not negative listings such as Default Judgment or Notices
  • Where there is access to a credit bureau file, we require a TransUnion Empirica score (or equivalent) of not less than 585
  • The consumer is aged between 19 and 65.

Additional criteria:

  • Has a valid RSA ID Number
  • Has access to internet banking
  • Has verifiable income for the last 90 days.
—————————————————Approval Terms for Mailing:
*Note – Publishers guilty of not adhering to the following restrictions on this campaign will not be paid on leads/sales generated and could be removed from the Network.
  • Must email opt in data
  • Before sending any email, please send a test message to [email protected] for approval.
  • Only provided HTML email creative is allowed to be used for email practices.
  • Subject lines: Avoid mentioning payday loans. Send the subject line you would like to use to your account manager for approval. Only approved subject lines will be allowed for email sends
  • Must have a valid unsubscribe
  • Must have a valid return path email address
  • Brand names are strictly prohibited for the use in From Names or From Addresses.
  • Must not be misleading: FASTA mailers require a sender header – Please ensure you replace the header banner placeholder with your own branded mailer. Consumers are required to know that this mailer is being sent on behalf of and does not come directly from FASTA.
Please Note: Even though this is a lead campaign, the quality of all leads delivered are measured.

FASTA – The New Way to Pay

FASTA Affiliate Program Powered by Affiliate Network

Consumers apply online and get approval in minutes. Our online application is 100% self-service, quick and easy to use.

FASTACash: it’s a cash loan so customers can use it anywhere.

FASTACard: it’s virtual, safe and secure. Can be used anywhere in SA that Mastercard is accepted – online, in-store and with payment apps.

We don’t lock customers into lengthy credit agreements.

They can repay their loan in monthly instalments (not weekly like some short-term lenders), over 1, 2 or 3 months.

If you have trouble finding creative or approved subject lines, please contact us for help.

Program Updates

Month of Love creatives added!
VALID UNTIL: 28 February 2025

New creatives added!
2025: Januworry (relax, afford, kiff, chill). Back to School. Shap Shap. Hakuna MaFASTA.

Januworry (relax, afford, kiff, chill) – 31 January 2025 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)
Back to School – 1 February 2025 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)
Shap Shap – 31 March 2025
Hakuna MaFASTA – 31 March 2025

Festive creatives added!
VALID UNTIL: 1 January 2025 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

Black November creatives added! 🤩 🥳

VALID UNTIL: 3 December 2024  (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

Spring creatives added! 💐😁

VALID UNTIL: End of September 2024  (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

New creatives added!
Father’s Day / School Holiday / Winter Essentials 

Winter Essentials – End of Aug 2024  (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

Father’s Day – 17 June 2024  (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

School Holiday – 8 July 2024 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

Mother’s Day creatives added!
VALID UNTIL: 13 May 2024 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

Easter creatives added!
VALID UNTIL: 5 April 2024 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

Valentine’s Day creatives added!
VALID UNTIL: 19 February 2024 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

New creatives added!
2024 JanuWorry & Back to School
Back to School – 17 January 2024 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)
JanuWorry – 31 January 2024 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

Festive creatives added!
VALID UNTIL: 2 January 2024 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

FASTACash – Black November creatives added!
VALID UNTIL: 28 November 2023 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

New FASTACash creatives added!
If you’re running ads, no need to do anything, it has already dynamically swapped. Not running these yet? Get in there now and start earning.

FASTACash – Easter & School Holidays creatives added!
VALID UNTIL: 12 April 2023 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

FASTACash – Valentine’s Day creatives added!
VALID UNTIL: 15 February 2023 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

FASTA has given your 2023 earnings a boost!
The new FASTA New CPA 2023 offer is now open and paying R100 for each loan issued.

If you were running the old FASTA CPA offer, you don’t need to do anything immediately, your campaign is redirecting to the new offer.

Not running the offer yet? No problem, grab your creatives now and start earning.

FASTACash – Januworry creatives added!
VALID UNTIL: 31 January 2023 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

New FASTACash creatives added!
Father’s Day / School Holiday / Winter Essentials 

Valid Until: 
Father’s Day – 20 June 2022 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)
School Holiday – 18 July 2022 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)
Winter Essentials – 31 August 2022 (offer ended, kindly remove the links)

New FASTACash creatives added!
Grab your creatives (Banner Ads & Email Creative) now and start earning. 

New FASTACard & FASTACash creatives added.

Launch (ID:#11657)
We’re proud to announce the launch of FASTA!